Správa a pronájmem skladovacích a výrobních prostor v komerčním areálu Na Fáblovce v Pardubicích.
Akciová společnost TEAM V,a.s. se sídlem v Pardubicích 53352 Staré Hradiště čp. 402, Areál Fáblovka, byla založena v roce 2000.
Se základním kapitálem 1 200 000,- Kč
Společnost se již od samého počátku své činnosti zabývá správou a pronájmem vlastních skladovacích a výrobních prostor v komerčním areálu na Fáblovce v Pardubicích.
O optimální poloze areálu pro pronájem komerčních prostor svědčí i to, že k zastávce městské hromadné dopravy je pouhých 50 metrů, centrum Pardubic je vzdáleno 3 km.
Storage area TeamV Inc. Fáblovka long-term benefits of successful placements in the locality of expanding industrial zones, fast accessibility and connection to the D11 and easy access to public transportation.
The optimum position of the area for lease of commercial premises is evidenced by the fact that the stop public transport is just 50 meters away, the center of Pardubice is 3 km away.
Size area: | 17 000 m2 |
Built up area: | 6 450 m2 |
Warehouses and manufacturing facilities: | 5 750 m2 |
Office: | 450 m2 |
Social background: | 250 m2 |
Entrance: | 2driveways |
Naši nájemníci naleznou v areálu vše potřebné.
• Parking spaces - Our company offers free parking tenants, employees, customers and suppliers at pre-designated areas on land warehousing.
• Transportation - Before the area and stop the turntable DPMP C10 and a 150-throwers DPMP C16 and a bus stop with regular connections to Hradec Kralove. Information about routes and routes can be found at: dpmp.cz , jizdnirady.idnes.cz
• Revisions, inspections - All equipment installed by the lessor are subject to periodic reviews and inspections is monitored and reviewed at the expense of the landlord.
• Property Tax - Property tax is fully paid by the lessor company TEAMV Inc.
• The central CCTV monitoring and recording the common areas..
• Illumination of the area - the whole area is illuminated at night by public lighting
• For tenants of the manufacturing sector we have available spaces with new wiring with the possibility of taking up to 600A. For all tenants then you have superior data connectivity from EDERA Group, or from O2-data and fixed-line.
Zde naleznete situační mapy celého arealu Na Fablovce.
TeamV, a. s. Fáblovka 402 53352, Staré hradiště IČ; 123456 DIČ; CZ123456 |
The company is registered in the Commercial Register KS in HK, Section B, Entry 2017. |
Ladislav Valášek | Member of the Board |
Dušan Procházka | Member of the Board |
Jana Blažková | billing department and rent |
Jaroslav Rezek | maintenance |
Phone: |
+420 466 412 441 |
Maintenance phone: | +420 725 114 469 |
Rent and billing: | +420 725 756 308 |
Fax | +420 466 415 509 |
info@teamv.cz |